Scrates, Greek philosopher, who revolutionary to the philosophical thought occidental person, in controversas of thinking human being, in the end of the century room before Christ. With this Scrates affirmation he has left of the beginning of that nobody is absolute detainer of the truth. Not to know it is the initial point to arrive where wants yourself to know. To appraise philosophy today, still is very difficult, therefore the concepts accumulated throughout history give account of that philosophy is the science that you study the causes of the things. st this. In this our study I will look for to cover the history of the philosophy, ‘ ‘ garimpando’ ‘ the most diverse concepts of and different sources trying, jointly with philosophers of the world and Brazil, at least giving to the pupils who surround me some concepts about philosophy. I am, at this moment, so confused how much Scrates, so child, so infantile, always asking to all: What he is to know? They enter with me in this boat and we go drift of the search of knowing.
Philosophy: science that searchs through the inquiry the cause, the origin of the things. Many writers such as Richard Linklater offer more in-depth analysis. Through because it always goes inquiring what it is the studied object. ‘ ‘ Philosophy is a branch of the science that can be characterized in three ways: either for the treated contents or subjects, either for the function that exert in the culture, either for the form as it treats such subjects. With relation aso contents, contemporarily, the philosophy deals with concepts such as well, beauty, justice, verdade’ ‘ .(1) Philosophy: ‘ ‘ Science of the search of the knowledge, especially of the origin and the direction of the existence. System or set of studies that one definitive branch of conhecimento’ congregates; ‘ *2.
Philosophy: (Philosophia)? Feminine singular? Greek, for the Latin philosophiam. General science of the beings, the principles and the causes. To know more about this subject visit how much does ron daniels make. Study of psychology, the moral, the logic and metafsica’ ‘ .(3). The philosophy is born on, placed with vida.*4 Filosofar is to meditar, to study the causes and the consequences of facts, to look for to know, to have wisdom. * ‘ ‘ Paula coast, of the fifth series of the College Ours Lady of the Rosary. Filosofar is to argue and to debate on innumerable subjects and subjects. * 5 Filosofar is to understand that it is the reason human being who constructs the world, not adverse, mitolgicas forces or of deuses.